Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 7: Making New Friends

Good Afternoon (Evening)!!!

Today was another beautiful day in Joburg!  We had some rain this afternoon, as well as some this evening, but the rest of the day the sun was shining and I even managed to get a little pink :)  Only a little; no worries! Today was a day spent here at the guest house which is quite tranquil.  This morning we had breakfast and spent some quality time together.  We played soccer in the garden, had clementines on the patio, and recorded our very own Michael Jackson impersonator performing Smooth Criminal and Skinny Jeans.  Yes, I said skinny jeans.  No, I'm not losing it or deaf, "N" has his own version .....'Skinny Jeans, not my love. *musical interlude* I am the one....and the jeans were not my size'. :)  Completely adorable and he has the moves!

After having lunch, another adoptive mom, Lee, (adopting through Bethany as well) and her son "T" came over for a swim.  The boys had a blast in the pool!  "T" had a boat and cars and a beach ball that he brought along and it kept the boys more than entertained while Lee and I chatted about the experience so far.  We had a great conversation and I think it was great for both of the boys to have a friend to play with!  The boys had met at the med center when they were getting their physicals recently, so they warmed up to each other quickly.  We plan to get together with Lee and "T" throughout our stay and hope to keep in contact with them when we return home.  It's great to have another family here at the same time! :)

After our play date, we played in the room (today was a dance party with Dino and Chocolate).  I don't believe I have shared that "N" is a big fan of Toby Mac, Group 1 Crew, and Royal Tailor.  I truly enjoy our shared taste in music!  As I had mentioned in my post yesterday, tonight was my first attempt at South African cuisine.  I made curry spiced chicken and pap (looks like mashed potatoes, but with the consistency of grits) with tomato sauce.  Kevin and I didn't think it tasted quite right (not that we have much to go on), but when "N" tasted it, he told me it was perfect.  What a sweetheart! :)  Now to see if I can get the pap meal at home....It is a staple food here.  "N" is used to having it practically every day.  Like most foods, you can make it several different ways, so I hope it can become a regular dish in our home as well.

After dinner we did subtraction flashcards, spelling, and reading.  After a job well done, we had a bowl of ice cream and watched Kung Fu Panda.  It was another fantastic day!  Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy, so we plan to make the grocery store run and hang out at the guest house.

We got word of snow on the ground in Michigan!  We pulled up a webcam to show it to "N" and he said COOL!  Not sure he really understands how cool it is :)  He can't wait to throw a snowball!

Until tomorrow!

Laura and Kevin


  1. Love reading your posts! Keeping you all in my prayers! :)

  2. Good job getting adventurous with your cooking! I'm sure you are doing a great job.
